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Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 5 6/20 Blog Amber Latona

I did A LOT of reading today.
I spent most of my day reading a packet about the Properties of X-Rays.
I was excited and enlightened to read something that I was already familiar with.
Some things that were in the reading that I already knew were that X-rays are visible, they pass through the body quickly, and X-rays are known as electromagnetic radiation. I was also familiar with the equations such as:
Ke=1/2 mv squared
The speed of light = 3 x 10 to the 8th power m/s

Some things that I have learned from the reading was the unit used to measure the electromagnetic radiation, which is known as an Angstrom. I learned more about electron transitions, and that an electron will fall into the vacant K shell immediately.
I learned exactly why an X-ray is produced and it is because high speed electrons collide with a metal target.
Lastly, I learned about the two types of X-ray tubes which are gas tubes and filament tubes. Gas tubes are obsolete meaning they are out of date. Therefore, the most commonly used X-ray tube is the filament tubes.
To detect X-rays, fluorescent screens, photographic film, and electronic detectors are used.

It was a fast week, although I did not do as much as I expected.
The elements/chemicals for my project are still being shipped.
However, my furnace arrived for my project. It just needs set up.
I hope next week will be more exciting!

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