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Friday, June 20, 2014

6-20-14 Summary

        Today, I only had 1 other person in my lab.  It was really quiet throughout the whole day.  For most of the time, I was reading and working in my workbook.  Sometimes it gets boring but I still continue.  I also continued the IR on my metal pieces.  I had to learn how to do it again before actually doing it by myself.  So, I put a metal piece in the IR and had to adjust some things before actually scanning the metal.  With the information, I had a little graph which I had to analyze.  I looked foe the asymmetric, symmetric, peak height, and a third sym.  After I wrote down my results, I had to put the metal pieces back into the solvent (THF) for 15 minutes.  The sanded side had to be up again.  Then I put them back into the oven.  That was basically my day.  After I was done with that, I continued in my workbook for the rest of the day. 

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