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Monday, June 23, 2014

6/20/14 Kelly Pesta

Friday I found out exactly what my research project is going to be this summer. My secondary mentor from last summer came in Friday to talk to me and Dr. Wetzel and decide what I will be doing to relate this summer with last summer. We have decided that I will be helping Leah (last summer secondary mentor) continue, and finish what she has been working on and work on some things that she wanted to but didn't get the chance to do. I will be testing the amount of recovery of SEM stubs of the 7 standards found in GSR through the LC/MS using a micropipet to put a known amount of substance onto the adhesives of the stub to adsorb, dry, and test. Later I will be taking samples off of hands that have just fired a gun. I will be doing the comparison of a revolver and an automatic to see which detects more GSR. After the samples are taken the stubs will be put through the SEM to detect inorganic GSR on both guns. After that we will be using an extraction method that Leah and I developed last year to extract the GSR and then run through the LC/MS to detect organic GSR and then compare the results.
This week I am to research new extraction methods that were developed for the past year and possibly use that extraction method compared to our extraction method developed from last summer to see which will detect more organic GSR. Later this week I will start my project and Leah and I will be testing the recovery time of the 7 standards.

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