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Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The Investigation of the Presence of Organic GSR on SEM Stubs

Pesta, Kelly; Wetzel, Stephanie; Ali, Leah

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Duquesne University

 A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) stub was looked over to identify both inorganic and organic gunshot residue (GSR) to ensure that the stub contained GSR and not particles found in the environment.  To find the inorganic GSR particles, the SEM was used.  The Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/MS) was used to find organic GSR. The limit of detection of the components of GSR- Akardite II solid, Methyl Centralite, Ethyl Centralite, and Single Based Gun Surveillance – was detected using the LC-MS/MS. After finding the limit of detection, an extraction method was developed to extract organic GSR from an SEM stub.  The presence of organic GSR was tested for on a cloth with GSR particles found on it, an SEM stub with GSR particles on it, and an SEM stub with GSR, which was scanned on the SEM. Findings from the cloth, SEM stub, and the scanned SEM stub were compared.

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