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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Cheyeanne Perez June 16th 2015

Hey guys!! My names Cheyeanne and I am second year SEED student. 

I am from McKeesport and I go to McKeesport Area High School, and there is really not anything to know about me that is that special. I don't play any sports but I do like to draw, that is about all I do though besides sleeping and eating.

My impression of the first day was that its going to be a lot different than last year, And that I'll miss the fellow students that either didn't come back or completed their two years. I know now that my project is basically using the same processes and protocols but I have a lot more that I have to learn for the new parts that I didn't get to complete last year.

This year I am definitely looking forward to hopefully getting as close to the new seed students as all of us did last year. I hope the new SEED students can become part of our new family even though the others are missing and won't have the opportunity to have meet these new students.

I am looking forward to all the new exciting memories we all will make this year!! Good luck every one!

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