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Monday, June 30, 2014

Summary, June 30th, 2014

Today went by a lot faster than I thought it was going to.
This morning I learned about electron configurations and the anomalies that are associated with them. I also researched Galvanic Cells. Travis explained to me today how my project can be applied to a Galvanic Cell. Basically, the salt bridge that connects the two half cells could be replaced with my ionic liquid. If the ionic liquid bridge can replace the ions at a faster rate than the salt bridge, then the electrons can travel faster, which makes for a more efficient battery.
I was continuing along in the Physics and Mathematics book when Ben came in to talk to me about his project. He finally wrote code that allowed for his calculations to be ran. I knew he would get it eventually.
At 2, Travis and I went into the conference room to continue my lessons on the physics behind my project. This is what the notes I took look like:

This is what it means, put into English:
Bonds and angles have a "natural length", or equilibrium position, just like a spring does. According to Hooke's lab, the spring's restoring force is equal to the displacement from equilibrium multiplied by the stiffness of the spring. If it is stretched or compressed beyond its equilibrium, it will try to get back to its lowest energy state. Potential energy is the energy an object has in relation to its location. Molecular dynamics simulations do this for us.
If two ions (one positive, one negative) are in space, they spontaneously attract, bringing their potential energy back to its lowest state. Also, atoms have something called a partial charge, though it isn't actually a "real thing". In order to find the Van der Waals radii, the rain is found and then divided by two.

Until tomorrow, SEED.

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