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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 2 Summary 6-17-14

        Today, I did a lot of things that I didn't expect to do.  First, my secondary mentor explained to me what I was going to actually do. She gave me a lab coat with goggles.  I then had to put gloves on.  A piece of metal was handed to me so I can sand it off. I used 4 different textures to do that.  After making one side of the metal shiny, there was more to do.  With a ruler, I used the centimeter side to measure squares. I had to measure 1cm by 1 cm squares in order to continue.  Then, I took the metal downstairs to the basement to cut.  With a machine, I cut out a good amount of little square pieces.   After that, I had to put them in a small beaker.  I carried them back upstairs to finish  my process.  I poured acetone in the beaker full of metal and let it sit in another machine for about 15 minutes.  Then, I put the metal pieces in a beaker of methanol and let it sit on a hot plate for a few minutes covered.  I then had to take all the little pieces out with tweezers individually and separate them on a few clear plates.  It took some time because I had to have all the pieces with the sanded side up. 

        I also went with Dr. Gawalt to attend a computer meeting which I was taught how to find articles on certain topics.  She also had a meeting with me which we talked about what I needed to know and what I already knew from my chemistry class in school.  Dr. Gawalt also showed me some of the calculations I had to do. She gave me a workbook that shows me everything. 

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