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Friday, June 27, 2014

Summary June 27th, 2014

My morning wasn't very eventful. Travis came in and told me that I needed to research a diffusion coefficient and what it is because my project is pretty much based off of it. So I did that for a little bit and then I worked in the gem. chem. book until we had to leave for a seminar.
In fisher hall, the other seed students and I listened to a phD candidate talk to us about graduate school and her experiences and why one should consider it. I think I want to do undergraduate research when I get to college so it was good to hear about someone's personal experience.
After that I came back to mellon and went to the lab with Ben to talk to Travis and Luther about packing my molecule. In order to do that, they calculated the density of my system, how many of it would fit in a box approx. 25 x 25 x 25 and then packed it. I wrote down the process so that I could do it by myself, but it turns out I can't because I need a password to unpack the .tar.gz file. He's going to email Scott about it so I should be able to pack it on Monday.
Have a nice weekend, SEED!

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