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Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30, Summary

     I found out that the input files that I ran on Friday had an error in it when it finished running them.  So today, Scott helped me out again and this time we ran the files using all 24 CPUs of the supercomputer so that it would hopefully be more efficient.  It will most likely finish running the files by tomorrow if we don't come across with any errors like last time.  I also finish my beamer (powerpoint) on LaTeX  today so that I will be ready to present tomorrow in my lab group meeting.  It took a lot of work and most of my time to finish that beamer.  Good news is that I learned even more about LaTeX and its incredible features.  Bad news is that I'm a bit nervous for tomorrow presentation because I know that there will be mistakes.  I can only hope that tomorrow will go well for me, but until then,  I better make sure I know my stuff.

6/30/2014 Robert summary

Coming in this morning was kind of scary, mostly because I felt like I was going to be behind on all my work. Even though my secondary mentor gave me "homework" and a couple of notes I wasn't sure on if I was drawing the peptide structures right.

Shortly, after  I got here I met my primary mentor Dr. Van Stipdonk. He was really cool to say the least. He gave me a overview of what I'm going to accomplish over the next week and so on. He also invited me to watch some of what his college students are doing in their labs and, maybe learn something new.   

After lunch me and my secondary  mentor reviewed my notes and began redrawing the peptide structures. He really broke it down so I had a better understanding of how to make them. With that I feel more confident with my work and can move forward with the next step in the process of my project. I am really excited to see to keep working on the project with my mentors I think I'm in good hands.

6/30/14 Katie O'Kelley

Today I dissolved my ligand in dichloromethane(DCM) and ran it through the column I set up on Friday. This took most of the day. The column separated the ligand from all the unreacted reagents. Each fraction of the column turns to a different color. The first fraction filtered out is yellow in color and is unreacted reagent to be thrown in the waste bin. Then the color fades into the dark brown fraction, this is ligand. The ligand is collected into beakers, labeled and left out overnight as to ensure the DCM evaporates out of the ligand. The ligand is collected until the color fades back to yellow, from brown, to red, to orange. There is a green fraction on the upper half of the column that not much is known about. My lab tried to collect this fraction but when the whole column faded down to green the solute(DCM) ran through clear. We assume this was due to how polar/non-polar our solvent was. We then ran Another solvent, more polar through the column to try and collect the green fraction and the same result occurred, and the solvent ran clear. We gave up pursuing the chance to characterize the fraction. Next time we decided we will try a different solvent based on polarity to try and extract the fraction. After this I worked on coming up with questions from the blog challenge, I currently have about 30. When that got boring I started writing my power point for my presentation Thursday. I am half way done with this. My secondary is going to help my draw up my complexes and pictures of reactions tomorrow to finish up that, so I have time to practice and ask questions before I do it for all of you. 

06/30/14 Summary Day 11 Eventful day to say the least

Well today was eventful. 

              First I had to start my PowerPoint because I have to present on Thursday about what I have done and I'm almost done with that I just need to complete two more slides . While I'm working my lovely friend Amber walks in and sits down and we start laughing as usual . She then says " guys look at my finger " and it was so swolen and it looked like it hurt . So I told her to get and we were going to go show Mr.Larry 

             Mr.Larry's first reaction was " ewww " lol and that kind of lightened up the mood because she was scared of what was wrong with her finger . Anyways fast forward we went to the hospital which by the way was the fastest hospital visit ever .  We kept laughing while we were there because we laugh at everything literally and she was really scared because they had to poke a hole in her finger and I comforted her and told her everything will be okay. BTW we both have anxiety so me telling her to calm down was kind of ironic . Fast forward again we finally had gotten back to the building at 12:00 and missed half the day so we went to lunch and it was crazy up there but anyways today was crazy day but I 'm glad I could be there for Amber . It's so funny because we used to not like each other but I'm glad we are friends now because we are like the same person .

6.30.14 Cheyenne Simmons

         Well this morning I took my other two autoclaves out of the oven. I took them into the back and then emptied the reactions out back into their correct vials. How I did that was I took the autoclave and emptied it using a pipet. For each reaction I used a separated pipet so we didn't cross contaminated the reactions. For one of the reactions at the bottom of the autoclave there was clumps of the reaction I had to use water to be able to rinse it out. Once I got that out I was able to clean up everything and set my reactions out to settle so I can characterize them under the microscope.

        When I came back from lunch I saw that my reactions were settling. I began to then characterize them under a regular microscope. My first reaction was a golden like color with clumps at the bottom of the vial. My second was gray and it looked like shards of metal. The Third was brown in color with piece floating at the top that if the got close to each other they looked like magnets and connected together. The fourth was a flat powder like gray and dull. Fifth the reaction wasn't settled enough to see so it was just cloudy and dark. The sixth was another brown in color golden like, tiny and together. Seventh had a green tint and was powder looking and was gray under the microscope. The eighth and final one was laying flat on the bottom, a dark gray looks like dirt and had two orange crystal like dot in it.

Summary, June 30th, 2014

Today went by a lot faster than I thought it was going to.
This morning I learned about electron configurations and the anomalies that are associated with them. I also researched Galvanic Cells. Travis explained to me today how my project can be applied to a Galvanic Cell. Basically, the salt bridge that connects the two half cells could be replaced with my ionic liquid. If the ionic liquid bridge can replace the ions at a faster rate than the salt bridge, then the electrons can travel faster, which makes for a more efficient battery.
I was continuing along in the Physics and Mathematics book when Ben came in to talk to me about his project. He finally wrote code that allowed for his calculations to be ran. I knew he would get it eventually.
At 2, Travis and I went into the conference room to continue my lessons on the physics behind my project. This is what the notes I took look like:

This is what it means, put into English:
Bonds and angles have a "natural length", or equilibrium position, just like a spring does. According to Hooke's lab, the spring's restoring force is equal to the displacement from equilibrium multiplied by the stiffness of the spring. If it is stretched or compressed beyond its equilibrium, it will try to get back to its lowest energy state. Potential energy is the energy an object has in relation to its location. Molecular dynamics simulations do this for us.
If two ions (one positive, one negative) are in space, they spontaneously attract, bringing their potential energy back to its lowest state. Also, atoms have something called a partial charge, though it isn't actually a "real thing". In order to find the Van der Waals radii, the rain is found and then divided by two.

Until tomorrow, SEED.

Day 11 summary Cheyeanne Perez

Today I really did not do much. However I did help set up a digestion. A digestion is when enzymes, and the proper buffers are added to the DNA that has had a piece of DNA already removed and replaced. Then it is placed in a pcr machine and run for as long as required. This process is used to tell if your piece of DNA is oriented in the right direction. Also I helped run a DNA gel earlier this morning. We used a electrophoresis apparatus along with the DNA that needed to be ran through the gel. After it was finished we stained it with ethidium bromide and took pictures of it to see the bands of DNA using ultra violet light.

6-30-14 Summary

        My day was not that interesting.  The IR machine in my lab was not working so I couldn't scan my cobalt pieces.  Since that was the only thing that I had to do, I didn't do what I was hoping to do.  Also, my secondary mentor wasn't here today.  What I ended up doing was work in my workbook all day.  I got up a few times to take a walk because I couldn't sit down and read without getting a little bored.  I also set up my Wi-Fi so I can start using it. 

Blog Challenge #2

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS to AMBER LATONA  for winning blog challenge #1.

For blog challenge #2:

1. You must interview a graduate student at the university in which you are working (Duquesne for my students)...the student does not have to be your mentor. It can be any graduate student. Only 1 graduate student can be interviewed per person.

2. You must have at least 10 questions before you interview the graduate student.

3. When you post to the blog, you must include all of the 10 or more questions you asked.

4. Finally, you have to write a biography about the graduate student you interviewed.

***Some possible question ideas:

Why did you choose Duquesne University??
Why did you choose chemistry??
What do you plan on doing with your degree after school??

As always, the blog challenge is due on Thursday. Best wishes!!!

Also please title your post: Blog Challenge #2- Your Name 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

6/27/14 Kelly Pesta

Friday morning Leah and I went down to the basement to go over the SEM. This time I did it by myself while looking off of the notes I took and the assistance of Leah. Then we went to see the speaker in Fisher. Even though I didn't quite understand what exactly the speaker was talking about, I enjoyed listening to what she had to say and what her career choice was and what she plans on doing in the future. After the speaker I went over my notes for the SEM and I fixed some of the notes that weren't specific enough and added in the answers to my questions.
Monday I will start extractions of the standards of GSR and will be running the samples through the LC/MS once the samples are made.

Friday, June 27, 2014

6/27/14 Katie O'Kelley

Today I had to come early for a group meeting at 8 until 10. After that I started doing science. I set up my column and filled it with silica gel to do column chromatography, that is separating the products of my reaction from earlier this week. Then we had that URP seminar. Afterwards, I can back to find the silica gel was leaking from the system and unfortunately, could not separate the products of my reaction. This will be redone on Monday. And since I could not do my science I have been reading about the different Schlenk techniques that I could potentially be using in the future. 

6.27.14 Cheyenne SImmons

         Well today went kind of slow, I started of the day good. I finally got to do something for once in two days. Since somebody was here from my lab today I got to work! This morning I got to put my last two reactions into the oven and bring the other six out. Whenever I finally got done with that I began working on my power point even though I don't have that much I still have something. After all that we went to a Seminar where this girl spoke and she use to be an under grad here at Duquesne. She spoke about her undergrad research she did here. She also talked about the things she does and steps she has taken to get her PhD.

         When ever we came back from the Seminar I helped Amber with what she needed to know for her power point. After that I worked more on my Power point then sat around for a little bit because I had nothing to do for the rest of the day because Jaci wasn't here today. So on Monday I plan to take my last two reactions out of the oven then I plan to begin drying them out.

June 27, Summary

     Today, I finish up my LaTeX document about my tutorial on CHARMM, but I do not think that it is perfect for it to be reference.  Unfortunately, my mentor wasn't no here today to look over my progress so I was working on it alone.  I was started my beamer on LaTeX, which I will have to present at my lab group meeting on Tuesday.  I have to to upload pictures of a bovine pancreas beta-trypsin in complex with benzamidine protein and show the binding pocket of the benzamidine ligand.  Scott also came in to help me start my molecular dynamics and input files from CHARMM into the supercomputer.  It is going to take about a day for it to finish, but luckily by the time I come back from the weekend, it will already be finish.  Then I can finish up my beamer and hopefully start on the blog challenge #2 instead of putting it off till the last day to do it.

Day 10 6/27 BLOG Amber Latona

Today started off pretty rough because I was just extremely tired. I was sleep deprived so I felt cranky this morning.
At 12, we all went over to Fisher Hall to watch a presentation and eat lunch. The lady that presented is a graduate student at The University of Pitt and was a former graduate student here at Duquesne!
She was an extremely confident person. She felt confident about herself and that is something that I really admire about others. She talked about her experiences. She works with chemistry and is a year away from receiving her PhD!

After that, I went to my lab to begin my project. I'm still waiting for my furnace to be plugged in the wall, but it's a bit more complicated than that. Hopefully that will be ready by next week.
Anyway, Chas and I weighed out our samples for my project. We weighed out .2258 g of Y2O3 and .2276 g of In2O3. We grinded these samples together in order to make YInO3.
We then weighted out another .2258 g of Y2O3 and .1579 g of Mn2O3 and grinded those two samples together in order to make YMnO3.
However, we didn't dry our powders before weighing them because we want to see if we gain different results. So, on Monday we will weigh out the same samples again but we will dry the samples first before weighing them. This is all part of the experiment to see what potential results we will get.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Summary June 27th, 2014

My morning wasn't very eventful. Travis came in and told me that I needed to research a diffusion coefficient and what it is because my project is pretty much based off of it. So I did that for a little bit and then I worked in the gem. chem. book until we had to leave for a seminar.
In fisher hall, the other seed students and I listened to a phD candidate talk to us about graduate school and her experiences and why one should consider it. I think I want to do undergraduate research when I get to college so it was good to hear about someone's personal experience.
After that I came back to mellon and went to the lab with Ben to talk to Travis and Luther about packing my molecule. In order to do that, they calculated the density of my system, how many of it would fit in a box approx. 25 x 25 x 25 and then packed it. I wrote down the process so that I could do it by myself, but it turns out I can't because I need a password to unpack the .tar.gz file. He's going to email Scott about it so I should be able to pack it on Monday.
Have a nice weekend, SEED!

6-27-17 Summary

        Today, in my opinion, was a very productive day.  In the morning, I made my concentrated acid. The one that my mentor said to make is called hydrochloric acid. First, I had to use the equation (M1 times V1) = (M2 times V2) to make a solution.  With using the equation, I came up with 8 ml of the acid.  I also had to get distilled water because it is part of the process of making my acid to what I actually want it to be.  I poured some of the water into a container.  I then added the 8 ml of HCA to the water.  Then, I added more of the distilled water until it reached a certain line.  I closed the container and labeled it with HCA (hydrochloric acid), then put it in my little bin of stuff. 

        After I did all of that, it was time to go to a meeting.  The meeting was for undergrads but we had to tag along too since we work with them.  There was a guest speaker that talked about her experience when she was an undergrad doing this summer fellowship.  Now, she is attending PITT as a graduate trying to get her PHD. 

        The meeting took about an hour or so and some of the undergrads in my lab were in there too.  After I came back from the meeting, I rinsed my cobalt coupons in the acid I made earlier in the day.  They were in the solution for about 15 minutes.  When the time was up, I put the cobalt coupons back into the glass plate and then in the oven for overnight.  For the rest of the day, I worked in my workbook because I had nothing else to do. 

Day 10 Summary Cheyeanne Perez

                    Today I leaned what primers are used for. I also learned the proper way to prepare them for use. Primers are used for introducing mutations to the DNA that you had previously used, or new DNA you want to mutate. I don't really know how to introduce the primers to the DNA, but that is what I will be learning and doing on Monday. I am actually really interested in learning how to mutate DNA and what all it does.

A summary about me and what I'm working on

My name is Michaela, and I'm researching Metal-organic Frameworks at the Chemistry Department of YSU. I work with Dr. Lovelace-Cameron, my supervisor, my co-worker Alyssa, and another student named Sam. I realize that I'm about a week late into posting information about what I have been doing for the last eight days, so I guess I'll give you a quick overview. *The first day I mixed some Adenine and MgCl2 in a vial, and in another vial, I mixed CrCl2 and Adenine. Then in a 25mL volumetric flask I mixed a 1/1/1 ratio of DMF, Ethyl alcohol, and tap water. Both the vials and the flask were placed in a refridgerator over the weekend. *Then on Wensday, seeings how I was off Monday and Tuesday, I added 5mL to each vial and placed them in a sonicator for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, both vials were placed in an oven at 60 degrees Celcius and left there for three days. *The vials will be removed tommorrow at approximately 2:55PM. Today I mixed MgCl2 and Adenine, and CrCl2 and Adenine, with 5mL of Ethyl alcohol and tap water. Dr. Lovelace-Cameron is having me repeat the same experiment over and over, each time removing/adding a reactant, or raising/lowering the temperature the vials will be placed in the oven at.

Day 9 Summary Cheyeanne Perez

         Yesterday I really didn't do much in my lab, there was nothing for me to do. Instead I worked on my blog challenge basically all day. I have never really looked into colleges or where I would want to go, so this challenge was kind of difficult. However after I actually stated looking and reading about all of the colleges it became really easy to complete the blog challenge. After I turned in the blog challenge I went to my lab and looked at books about transformation and the different steps.

Blog Challenge #1, Stephen Lau

     I was always indecisive when it comes to any decision, especially choosing a career to pursue.  I really never had much of an interest in a certain career, but I do have a thought what I may want to do in the future.  Being a forensic science technician is what I think best fit for me.  Usually people who pursue this job must have a strong sense of curiosity good speaking skills, critical thinking skills, and most of all, enjoy solving puzzles.  You also have to work well with others so that you can accomplish your goals together.  A forensic science technician's job is to gather evidence at crime scenes and evaluate all the data to determine the cause of the incident.  They use scientific principles and techniques to help others solve a mystery that no one else can figure out.
     The reason this career interest me is because I love solving mysteries since it is both challenging and fun.  I'm the type of person who thinks a lot so a job like this which requires critical thinking would be perfect for me.  I  became interested in being a forensic science technician because I use to watch a lot of crime investigation shows like CSI.  I always tried to see if I could solve the mystery before they did by piecing all the evidence together.  I guess to have this job was something that was always in the back of my head, where it was hidden in a place where I wouldn't think about it.  Now I have strong idea on what I want to do.  I want to help people by using the evidence gather at the scene and serve justice to those who have broken the law.

    I found out that the following colleges offers great programs for people who wants to pursue the career as a forensic science technician:

University of Maryland
     University of Maryland offers many programs for students who wants to major in CCJS (Criminology and Crime Justice).  To have a major in CCJS, students must require 33 credit hours of coursework in the CCJS Department, Academic Writing, and have to take one of the following math courses:

  • MATH 111 - Introduction to Probability
  • MATH 220 - Elementary Calculus I
  • MATH 140 - Calculus I
  • STAT 100 - Elementary Statistics and Probability
Students must also have 18 credit hours of supporting sequence coursework that isn't within the department of CCJS.  The required CCJS courses are down below:
  • CCJS 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • CCJS 105 - Introduction to Criminology
  • CCJS 200 - Statistics for Criminology & Criminal Justice
  • CCJS 230 - Criminal Law in Action
  • CCJS 300 - Criminological and Criminal Justice Research Methods
  • CCJS 340 - Policing
  • CCJS 350 - Juvenile Delinquency
  • CCJS 451, 452, 454 (Choose one)
  • 451 - Crime and Delinquency Prevention
  • 452 - Treatment of Criminals and Delinquents
  • 454 - Contemporary Criminological Theory
     However, to be accepted into this school would cost about $42,767 for non-resident students.  You also have to have four years of English, four years of math, including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II, three years of history or social science, three years of science in at least two different areas, and two years of a foreign language.  This school has no exact requirement for your SAT/ACT score, but they will not accept you if you don't take the courses that were previously mention during you high school year.

University at Albany

     University at Albany has many programs to offer at their campus such as the dual master's program.  This program brings resources of the School of Criminal Justice and the School of Social Welfare together.  However, the BA/MA program is what I am really interested in.  It's a program in criminal justice that allows students to fully develop their education.  Students require a minimum of 141 credits, 30 of them must be college credits.  They must meet all the requirements of the college/university to qualify for the program.  A grade point average of 3.20 or higher and three letters of recommendation from the faculty are also needed for students to be consider for the BA/MA program.  To enter this university, they need the following:
  • The rigor of your high school academic program
  • Your academic record
  • Your standardized test scores
  • Your potential for leadership and your extracurricular interests
for the purpose of evaluating you when considering you for their college.  They do not have a minimum score requirements because this school wants to know students as a whole and not just their test scores.  That's why I may consider going to University at Albany because they want to have students who are well-rounded and not just good at taking tests.

American Intercontinental University

     Going to American Intercontinental University would be a great opportunity do the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (BSCJ) program, where they prepare students as if they were forensic science professionals themselves for 36 months.  I would need a total of 180 credits and 45 specialization credits to register.  The following are specialization courses.

  • Arson Investigation
  • Evidence
  • Criminalistics
  • Aspects of Forensic Psychology
  • Psychopathology and Criminality
  • Medico-legal Death Investigation
  • introduction to Bio-metrics
  • Cyber crimes
  • Forensic Biology
     Like the other two schools AIU does not require a specific test score on your SAT.  They only ask for proof your you high school education like a  transcript or diploma.  Without one, the college will not accept anyone who doesn't have evidence of their education in high school.

     Most colleges that I listed offer excellent programs for the field of criminology and some even give hands on experience.  These are just a few I colleges that I have consider going to, but there are plenty of other to go to that may even have a better opportunity than the ones I mentioned.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 8,9

Yesterday I've done the same thing as before I extracted gasoline and methyl . Today all I did all day was the blog challenge which had taken a long time so I hope you check it out (: . That's it so nice , short , and sweet.

6/26 Day 9 BLOG Amber Latona

Well, today was another unexciting day..

My lab and my mentors were in a meeting all day, so I did not get to see them.
However, I went to a meeting with the other SEED students and Mr. Larry. The three people from last year presented their projects to us so that we could get a better understanding of what our power point presentations should look. Everyone did great presenting! Other than the presentations, I barely did much of anything today. I reread my readings and notes. I wanted to start my power point but I couldn't because I forgot my flash drive and there would be no other way to save it.
So I will bring my flash drive tomorrow and begin on my power point.
Tomorrow we are supposed to have a speaker, so it should be an exciting day.
Other than that, I'm extremely tired..and getting a bit of a cold

6/26/14 Katie O'Kelley

I started my   day off with separating the toluene from the solid solution I made Tuesday, since I wasn't feeling well yesterday morning. I did this by adding liquid nitrogen to the column then connected all the hoses and turned on the vacuum. Then our SEED meeting started at 10 and when to about 11. My lab went out to lunch. We went to the Hofbrauhaus. It was delicious, I had some kind of chicken on a pretzel bun with amazing fries. It was a long lunch, we stayed long enough to watch the soccer game but we were also waiting for other people who work here, at duquesne. By the time we got back all the toluene was evaporated out of my ligand. So I took apart all the equipment that was not longer needed. For the rest of the day I will be reading and catching up on the stuff I missed yesterday, such as, taking apart the reflux equipment, IR, MNR, and, setting up a column. So, um...yeah, food. I guess.

Summary, June 26th, 2014

I honestly have not done anything today aside from attend meetings and learn general chemistry. Okay, no, I also made a dropbox account and shared with Travis my new system which is 1-pentyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride. We decided to go with a pentyl carbon chain. I learned about orbitals and how they can be determined using the periodic table. I have homework tonight and it is to read chapter 3 in my MCAT general chemistry review book. Tomorrow we are using Pacmol to pack my molecule into an imaginary box that we set parameters for to view interactions. Until tomorrow.

June 26, Summary

     Today wasn't much of a day.  When I came in, I first started to work on my blog challenge since I didn't know it was mandatory at first.  After working a little on it and getting it started, I had to go to a SEED meeting at 10:00 to watch the second year SEED members present their power points from last year.  The meeting only lasted an hour so I continue off working on my blog challenge.  I finally decided that the career I would chose was a forensic science technician.  However, I didn't get much time done since I had another meeting at 12:00 with mine and another lab group.  Unfortunately, this meeting lasted almost 3 hours, which only left me an hour before I am done for the day.  So in my final hour, I just continue to work on my blog challenge.  Although I'm still not finish with it even though it's due today, it just means I got one more thing to do at home.

6/26/14 Kelly Pesta

This morning was our forst SEED meeting. I believe it went well. I felt pretty confident giving my presentation in front of the first year students since I have been working on it all last summer. I believe that everyone during the meeting was well informed on what I worked on and I believe that my presentation was a good example of what an outline of their presentation should look like. Later in the day I just read articles that related to my research project. Tomorrow I plan on working more with my project with Leah.

6-26-14 Summary

        Today, I had 2 meetings.  The first one was from 8:00 to 10:00 in the morning, so I had to get up earlier than I usually do.  The meeting was with my lab group.  I had to turn in my papers that I wrote  about my past week and what I did.  The other people in my lab had to present what they did in the paste week.  In the middle of our meeting, the fire alarm went off.  We had to get out and wait until it was okay for us to go back.  I'm not really a fan of my group meetings because I get confused of what they are talking about and also get bored really fast.  Right after my group meeting, there was a SEED meeting.  The 3 people that went last year had to present their projects from last year so the new people could understand what they have to do.  The only problem I think that I will have with presenting is talking in front of everyone.  I get so nervous that I start talking really fast and lose my train of thought.  Hopefully I get over that soon. 

       I couldn't really do anything in my lab today because the IR was being used by everyone else.  That means that my cobalt pieces have to wait in the oven until I had time to see if my monolayers formed.  So, for the rest of my day, I finished my blog challenge and worked in my workbook. 

Blog Challenge #1

     The career that I have chosen is Forensic Psychology , the reason behind that is because I love helping people and solving problems . Forensic Psychologist helps all the people that society has given up on. I feel like I'm kind of giving back to the community in a way .
In a sense that these people that I'm helping could one day be productive citizens of the community.

      PSYCHOLOGY : The science of mental life and the relations between mind , brain , and behavior

FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY : Licensed clinical psychologist who have concentrated their efforts within our legal system , both civil and criminal arenas. ( Basically working with/in family courts , sex offenders , people in jail , etc.)

                                           TIFFIN UNIVERSITY
Tiffin University is located in Tiffin , Ohio which is only 3 hours 20 minutes away from Pittsburgh . It was founded in 1888 . It's also a private , coeducational university . It's a very small university with the maximum of student less than 5,000 with an admissions rate of 51% . The tuition is 19,890/year , which is pretty expensive but again it's a private university. The minimum SAT requirements are at least 1419 and the minimum GPA requirements are at least a 3.01 . They offer BA , MA in Forensic Psychology which is 5-7 years of schooling . 


  • Intro. to Criminal Justice (3)*
  • Criminal Law (3)*
  • Criminal Procedures (3)*
  •  Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice (3)*
  • Criminology(3)*
  • Research Design(3)*
  • Internship 1 (3)*
  • Victimology (3)*
  • Crisis Intervention Strategies (3)* 
  • Psychology of Violence and Aggression (3)*
  • Introduction to Counseling (3)*
  • Abnormal Behavior (3)*
  • Social Psychology (3)*
  • Multicultural Issue in Society (3)*
  • Pro Seminar in Criminal Justice (3)*
  • Drugs and Society (3)*
  • Death and Dying (3)*
  • Sex Crimes (3)*
  • Human Sexuality(3)*
                                                                                                     * number of credits the class is worth 
  •  Accredited Bachelors Degree
  • 3.0 and above GPA for those who graduated college   
At Tiffin University they combine Criminal Justice with Psychology (the courses) because it's well easier that way and also you're more well rounded getting the information that you need. That's really what I love about this college is that you're taking classes that directly go with your career. The classes that you're taking also gives you a better chance of getting a job only because with those classes it gives a variety of jobs you can work in . Such as jails , FBI , juvenile courts , etc. The university also helps you find jobs in the field that you study in.

                          THE COLLEGE OF SAINT ROSE

The College of Saint Rose was founded in 1920's . It's a private , independent , and co-educational college . It's located in Albany , New York . It's 7 hours and 11 minutes away from Pittsburgh it's a lot further compared to Tiffin University . It's a midsize college that has about 5,200 students with an admissions rate of 60% . The tuition is 25,772/year , again it's pretty expensive but it's a private school. The minimum SAT requirement is an 1033 , and the minimum GPA requirement of a 3.10. They offer Bachelor Degree , Post-baccalaureate , Masters Degree , Master's Certificate in Forensic Psychology . 

  • PSY 110 Foundations of Psychology 
  •  PSY 111 Foundations of Psychology IICJS 230 Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems
  • CJS 231 Criminal Behavior
  • CJS 233 The Court System
  • CJS/PSY 262 Forensic Psychology
  • PSY 295 Research Methods and Statistics I (4)*
  • PSY 299 Research Methods and Statistics II (4)*
  • PSY 320 Physiological Psychology (4)*
  • PSY 363 Abnormal Psychology
  • PSY 410 Psychometric
  • CJS 495 Ethics in Criminal Justice (2)*
  • CJS 497 Senior Seminar OR PSY 498 (with approval from PSY and CJS) (3 – 4)*   
                                                                                                         * number of credits its worth 
The also let you choose an additional 10 courses depending on the route you want to take . 
10 Additional Classes   
  • Serial Crimes
  • Sex crimes and paraphilia
  • Crime profiling 
  • Juvenile Justice 
  • Criminal Justice Internship 
  • Human Sexuality 
  • Class , Race , and gender
  • Introduction to Psychotherapy
  • Personality 
  • Developmental Psychology : Adolescence and Adulthoo
These would possibly be the courses that I would choose because like I said the beginning I want to help those who society has given up on or those who society doesn't trust. I'm a very optimistic person so I believe people should always get a second chance
  • Accedited Bachelors Degree 
This seem like a great college overall . It's in NY , a beautiful city , so there would be plenty of things to do . Also I like that it's small so the professor knows your name and you're not just a number . I like that they let you choose the courses you want to take that would best fit the route that you would want to take  
                   CASTLETON STATE COLLEGE

Castleton State College is located in Castleton , Vermont . It was founded in 1787 . It is a public , coeducational school . It a small college with less than 5,000 students . It has an admissions rate of 86%  . The tuition is $32,250/year . The minimum GPA requirement of a 3.0 and the minimum SAT score of a 1260. They offer Bachelors Degree  Forensic Psychology.


  • Introduction to Psychology (3)*
  • Human Growth and and development(3)*
  • Theories of Personality(3)*
  • Cognitive Psychology(3)*
  • Psychology Research 1(4)*
  • Psychology Research 2(4)*
  • Bio-psychology(3)*
This school has the BA in Psychology with a concentration in Forensics Psychology so addtitional classes would be , 
  • Social Psychology(3)*
  • Police Psychology(3)*
  • Criminal Behavior(3)*
  • Juvenile Delinquency(3)*
  • Psychological Test (3)* 
  • Psychology and Law (3)*
  • Intro to Criminal Justice
                                                                                                                     * number of credits 
This College seems pretty good but it's very expensive and I don't know how I would pay for it but overall it seems like the college I would possibly attend. I've heard great things about this college so I know it isn't to bad.